Monday, March 13, 2006

Nancy or Zoe?

Nancy is pissed. She's pissed at Zoe. I may have to choose, Nancy or Zoe? Zoe let's me stick her head in my mouth and other dumb stuff, she entertains me. She doesn't argue with me and I'm always right.

Nancy washes my underwear.

Zoe greets me at the door when I come home from work.

Nancy trims my ear hair.

Zoe sits with me and watches Nascar and is quiet.

Hmmmm, what's a guy going to do?

Zoe has never destroyed anything of mine, or dropped anything of mine down the drain or flushed anything of mine down the toilet, she's done all of these things to Nancy.

Zoe really screwed up yesterday and made herself at home in the middle of Nancy's nicest plant, and I have to add it was a plant from RJ's funeral. RJ would of understood Zoe's need to do this and she would of thought it was funny, she loved cats. Zoe also got into Nancy's Eagle feathers that she uses to pray, for that alone she wants to make a skinned rug of her.

Zoe takes after her Dad, she's bad to the bone, and I like that in a cat. Nancy on the other hand could hand you a new asshole before you realized it was gone, I've seen this woman annihilate a person for wrong doing and I like that special quality in her.

The two girls I love can't get along. What the hell am I going to do? Nails are out and drawn and the fur is gonna fly.

Time for a ice cold Coors

I wonder what Zoe's thinking......


Rocky (Racquel) said...

Aw man...tough call, but I'm definitely advising you that NANCY is the one to side with. hehe

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmm Bruce which one do you think would do the most damage if the claws came out. Not to mention what do you think to sleeping on the couch if you side with the wrong female. You're right what's a man to do. (laughing)

Bruce said...

When a guy says that he would like to see a "cat" fight, I don't think this what they mean!

Anonymous said...

(laughing) Remember "Be careful what you wish for you might get it." Sometimes just not the way you meant it. Nancy my money is on you.

Katrina said...

HA! That's a great post.
decisions, decisions....

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!